Great Wall Motor
Great Wall Motors produces and sells its own-brand SUVs, cars, and cargo trucks. It also develops and produces parts and components to be assembled, such as engines and gearboxes. Great Wall Motors not only owns 5 brands that sell complete automobiles—Haval, WEY, ORA, Tank, and GWM Pickup—but also has more than 80 subsidiaries. The company has set up R&D centers in Japan, the USA, Germany, India, Austria, and South Korea. In addition to its 8 major production bases in China, it also has production sites in overseas countries including Russia, Bulgaria, Tunisia, Malaysia, and Ecuador.
Business Info
IndustryAutomotive Manufacturing
Place of ResidenceChina (incl. Hong Kong)
Market Cap - End of 2022 ($M) 29,865
2021 Revenue ($M)21,172
Rank of 2021 Revenue47
2021 Profit ($M)1,043
Rank of 2021 Profit53